Wisconsin Department of Justice Wisconsin Department of Justice Home

Office of the Attorney General
Beware of CCW Permit-Related Scams -- The Wisconsin Department of Justice communicates with permit holders by traditional mail. DOJ will never contact you by phone to discuss an expired license, request your credit card or other financial information. If you question the legitimacy of a communication regarding your CCW license, contact DOJ at (608) 261-7998.

Generate Concealed Carry Weapon User ID

A unique User Id is required for processing any online transaction. Please select Continue if you wish to request a CCW User Id.

Note: If you are attempting to change your address but have already moved to your new address and do not have a valid User Identification Number (CCW User ID), you cannot use the online system and must submit your address change using the paper form. The link to the paper forms can be found in the menu to the left, or click here.
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